Kind words…

“Having a doula throughout my pregnancy was like having the most knowledgeable big sister or auntie by my side at all times, having an unbiased second opinion and someone who was just focused on me, my baby and Nick. I’ve been very open that our path to become parents hasn’t been easy and if I’m honest, pregnancy wasn’t a walk in the park either. Having the extra support, someone who could answer my questions or to put my concerns to rest was just what we needed.

During our antenatal sessions Jemma was able to help us zero in on what was important, giving us all the information in ways we sometimes hadn’t thought of and bringing us together as a couple. The massage techniques and rebozo got us through the end of my pregnancy and early stage of labour.

At the hospital is where Jemma really comes into her own. Quietly offering support and fresh energy, helping me and Nick to focus on the job in hand and taking time to cherish it. One of my biggest concerns is that I find it very hard to advocate for myself, both Nick and myself are guilty of people pleasing but because we had Jemma there she was able to take that stress away from us, communicating our wishes to the midwife and the birthing team and acting as a calm go between. We we able to get on with the business of having a baby.

Since the birth Jemma has been oon hand with advice and checking in on us. Getting the opportunity to talk through our birth story has really helped us to process what happened and I look back on that day with nothing but love and positivity.

Working with Jemma was just so easy and completely invaluable. I can’t thank her enough for her part in helping us become a family”

— Jessica Fox

“You have been absolutely wonderful today, and all through this pregnancy Jemma. I cannot thank you enough for everything you’ve done, imparted, taught and shown us.

Again, thank you so much for everything. You were utterly fantastic.”

—Nick Willes

“A huge thank you to our doula Jemma, a constant fountain of wisdom and kindness. Who kept us so strong throughout, talked endlessly with me, always giving us the opportunity to discuss all our options and being the support we needed. You are an incredible woman and a wonderful doula. You made my entire pregnancy and birth a place of safety and kindness. You also worked impeccably with the team at AP hospital.

Thank you - a thousand times, thank you. ”

— Claire Cooper

It was so lovely working with you. I feel that we really worked as a team and I really appreciated your presence.

—Sarah, midwife

Thank you soooo much for all the doula love , support and help. You were amazing yesterday, all your tips were just gold. The last few days have been blissful. I wish every woman could have a doula. I won’t ever forget you and will always cherish your support through on of the most significant experiences of my life.

—T. Cahani

“I chose to have only people I trusted in my birth space. People that I knew would let me birth completely on my terms, who would not monitor, check me or suggest anything unless asked. People that trusted me to birth. That trusted birth to work. That didn’t follow any timeline or guideline. That I had worked with throughout pregnancy to unpick every thought and fear and who I trusted deeply to honour my wishes.

I am so grateful for this wonderful woman who honoured this and so much more ”

— Sophie Wild

Thank you for my dream birth

I am so indebted to the two angels that are Jemma and Anne Marie, without them I would have had a very different birth than the one I dreamed of. This was my second planned home birth in the pool. My first birth was with 121 midwives (now defunct) and it was a very positive hypno-birth that I wanted to replicate again with my second.   

Unfortunately as it was covid the hospital home birthing team just couldn’t guarantee me that home birth. I was also worried about the rules changing and my partner not being allowed in so I decided to enlist a private midwife to get that 121 care. Despite me picking a private midwife that specialised in hypnobirthing and being very clear on what I wanted, it was soon very obvious that there was no rapport between us and the company came across very corporate, interventionist, pro-hospital and at no point did they use positive hypno language. There was a time I bled and couldn’t get through to anyone in the company (my midwife was on holiday and the other midwife didn’t answer her phone or call me back). Stuck in between a rock and a hard place and having paid £5,000 plus extras for the private midwife I persevered against my instincts thinking, I’ve done it before I will just have the midwife there in case of an emergency. But I was miserable and after each visit I would usually cry. It was nothing like my first birth when I felt empowered and in control.

It wasn’t until 2 weeks before my birth that I had a false labour that I realised in that moment that I did not want that midwife there, I just wasn’t comfortable. As such, I made the very scary decision to cancel my contract and go back under the care of the hospital. I searched online and found Jemma’s profile and instantly I knew she was the right fit. Jemma’s profile was so positive and understanding. I called Jemma panicked on a Sunday and she answered straight away and was round at my house with Anne-Marie later that same day. You could just tell both ladies really cared about me from the outset and had a deep passion about what they did and about women’s rights.

Jemma blew me away with her knowledge of birth and anatomy, she calmly talked me through each stage of labour and together we made a new birth plan that I felt really comfortable with, in fact I felt so confident with the doulas that I opted to catch the baby myself! The doulas really listened to me and I felt confident that if anything happened they would advocate for my rights. They got on with my husband like a house on fire and I could see in him that they had taken the worry and stress away from him and, as a result, he was much more present for me as he wasn’t worried about dealing with outside pressures such as the hospital. They also set up a whatsapp group for me and my husband and sent me some amazing links before and post birth to help with any questions or problems I had.

I had a 3 day labour and as my waters had broken you can only imagine the pressure that the hospital was putting on us to come in and be induced or monitored. Jemma and Anne Marie were there every step of the way, supporting and informing us of all the facts. The Doulas were extremely balanced in their information and were not anti-hospital at all but pro-informed choice. Without Jemma and Anne Marie I would not have had the strength to stick to my guns and await the most beautiful home birth. As forewarned the midwife did not arrive until after the birth but she was not needed as I was so relaxed with my husband and Jemma at my side (pouring water over my back and encouraging me when needed).

Both doulas have a beautiful aura about them and have a soothing and calming influence. Both doulas knew exactly when to step in and when to give me a moment. I’ve never met women like Anne Marie and Jemma, as I said they are angels. Even after the birth their kindness knew no end as they actually bought the baby beautiful cards and presents! If anyone reading this is considering having a doula, please do not hesitate to contact Jemma and Anne Marie, you will be in the best care.

—Jessica Hampson

Thanks so much for your kind words Jemma and for your guidance and support as always. It really has been such a privilege to have you with us for the birth of our children.


“Thank you so much for your support. It was so reassuring to have you with me. Lucy

Thank you again for everything you did yesterday Jemma, it was incredible. Alex

Thank you so much for all your support. I’m so proud I got through that and I honestly don’t think I could have if it wasn’t for you. Thank you for taking such beautiful photos, I’ll treasure them forever. Kayah